I've been using Giganews even before my ISP closed their servers which were
abysmal, it used to be $7.99 a month for the lowest tier, then when all the
ISPs started dumping Usenet, they lowered the rate to $2.99 a month. To me
it's well worth it, it's run professionally, always available, perfect
completion, long retention.
Postman Delivers wrote:
| Thanks for correcting me, and my ISP Cox is closing access to
| newsgroup on June 30th... I shall pay for outside service, as I live
| in the Usenet and my www useage is Google search and maybe 20% of my
| computer time...
| I do answer questions once day a week on Yahoo Answers, surprised
| about the general low mentality in the computer question section, but
| I decided to attempt to share a bit of my knowledge there...
| Cox Communications income was up in 2009, but they need to shut down
| to reduce cost...Internet profit is apparently not good enough...
| http://www.pbn.com/detail/49376.html
| JR the postman