Post by FrankAnyone have experience with reliable on-line source of low cost print
cartridges? Cartridges for my old HP printer cost more than the printer
today and recycled cartridges are not to be found in local stores.
Depending on the model printer that you have, it may not recognize refilled
cartridges, and will give you an almost constant no ink/low ink warning. I
tried a couple of different companies for ink for my old HP AIO and wasn't
real happy with the life of the black or the color cartridges. I didn't
track it by "pages per", but from install time to replacement time seemed a
lot shorter than with new HP cartridges. I don't do a lot of printing, but I
was disappointed in the life of their cartridges considering the cost I paid
versus the cost of a new HP one.
That AIO finally broke down, and I bought another HP (I like their quality,
both mechanically and print-wise) and plan on using only new HP cartridges
in it, even if they are a bit pricey.
That said, I did a comparison between numerous companies and printer models,
comparing the stated pages per cartridge against user reviews. Kodak and
Canon seemed to have the worst ratings of not living up to the stated
cartridge life, and Lexmark and HP were at least more honest (it seemed) of
lasting as stated or exceeding it. Their cartridges on average cost more per
cartridge, but not that much more (if any) per page. Kodak and HP seemed to
give a better picture using less ink than the others.
Of course, this was averaged over a number of different printers- YMMV :-)
SC Tom